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Dorbar Shnong Lumdaitkhla thwarts agitation against Cherry Blossom festival


The planned agitation by the Joint Action Committee, scheduled for November 10, 2023, against the Cherry Blossom festival in Bhoirymbong, was thwarted by the Dorbar Shnong Lumdaitkhla, Bhoirymbong, and the District Administration of Ri Bhoi.

The Joint Action Committee comprises the RBYO, HYC, STIEH, and MPSO.

Notably, the Chairman of the JAC was apprehended by the Police of Byrnihat Outpost just an hour before the scheduled agitation. Sources indicate that he was subsequently released on bail after the cancellation of the planned agitation.

In a statement to the media, a youth representative of Lumdaitkhla Bhoirymbong said, “The agitation was stopped because we didn’t provide proper information to the village Dorbar Shnong. However, the truth is that I handed over the letter at the residence of the Village Secretary. We do not intend to create any problems; instead, it is a peaceful agitation.”

“We understand that the state can generate revenue from such festivals, but our concern is that the event date includes Sunday, affecting the local churchgoers who gather for congregation, as the area is surrounded by churches. We also demand that from now onwards, the Dorbar Shnong should include the youth in decisions regarding the approval of any festival or project,” the representative added.

On the other hand, the President of STIEH, Purity Phawa, expressed disappointment, stating, “Paul Lyngdoh is a Christian himself; at least he should show some concern for his fellow Christians. We have been following his footsteps as our leader since the days of 2002-2003, but now that he is in power, he seems to have compromised all the good work he has done for the sake of his position.”

Meanwhile, the leader of the JAC, Jackson Sohtun, commented, “The reason behind the Chairman being held by the police remains unclear, and we are trying to find out. However, the police personnel have refused to provide us with information. At the same time, we do not want this festival of a tree from Japan to overshadow the beliefs of the local churches.”

When asked about their feelings regarding the government’s decision that the festival will start at 3 PM, Tony Shylla, the General Secretary of HYC Ri Bhoi, said, “It doesn’t matter if it starts after three or before three, as long as it is still on a Sunday and the church program will be over by 6 PM. We cannot allow the festival music to play while the churches are holding their congregation.”

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