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Sunday, July 7, 2024

FKJGP assists Association of Persons with Disabilities(APD) for skill development

The FKJGP Organisation urged the government to prioritise individuals with disabilities, recognising their unique talents and potential, especially orphans among them, by providing necessary support and care.


The Federation of Khasi Jaintia and Garo People’s organisations (FKJGP) in the Mawhati and Umsning circle extended financial assistance to the Association of Persons with Disabilities (APD) in Ri Bhoi District on October 13 to support the APD’s efforts to teach crafting and weaving skills to disabled members.

The FKJGP delegation, led by Tinus Rynjah, President of the Mawhati circle, and Shem Biangpor Makri, Vice President of the Umsning circle, visited the APD office located in Umsning Patarim where Blunisha Nongbet, President of APD, and other members were present to welcome them.

Acknowledging the determination and hard work of the disability organisation despite their physical limitations, the FKJGP leaders commended the APD’s training initiatives in crafting and weaving for disabled members. While they were unable to offer direct financial assistance, they expressed their solidarity and support.

The FKJGP Organisation urged the government to prioritise individuals with disabilities, recognising their unique talents and potential, especially orphans among them, by providing necessary support and care.

Expressing gratitude for FKJP’s willingness to extend a helping hand during crucial times, Blunisha Nongbet, President of the disability organization, highlighted the disabled individuals’ aspiration for a shared residence where they can work collectively.

They aim to harness their talents, striving for self-reliance and generating income to sustain themselves.

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