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Sunday, June 23, 2024

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Sunday, June 23, 2024

Health is Wealth

By the editor

Health is very precious in life and if we have it we feel we can do anything but if we do not have it we feel dejected and frustrated.  Izaak Walton said: “Look to your health, and if you have it praise God, and value it next to a good conscience, for health is the second blessing that we mortals are capable of a blessing that money cannot buy.” Many people take health for granted but if they get sick then they realise its importance and begin to worry about recovering their health no matter how much they have to spend. There is a saying which is very appropriate with many people who are quite carefree and do not bother about consequences: “When we are young we spent our health to get wealth  and when we become old we spend our wealth to get back our health.” It is topmost priority, therefore, to take care of one’s health by eating simple but nourishing diet and cultivate healthy habits. However, due to environmental hazards or otherwise people are attacked with deadly diseases like cancer, diabetes, stroke, etc. Treatment of such serious ailments is very costly. The poor become poorer and the well-to-do are reduced to poverty.

According to a World Bank report, 6.3 million people across India become impoverished every year on account of costly medicines and their plight is very pitiable. Government being well aware of such sad situations, so devised ways and means to come to their rescue and hence launched Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Janaushadhi Project (PMBJP) on July 1, 2015 followed by the Ayushman Bharat Yojana on September 23, 2015. The Janaushadhi centres numbering 6,634 provide affordable medicines to the people all over the country. The cost of these medicines is 50 to 90 per cent less than their market price. About 1,250 types of medicines and 204 kinds of surgical equipment are available at these special centres across India. Initially, there were only 99 centres operating in India which increased nearly six times to 6,634 and is expected to further increase so as to cover all districts for the convenience of patients. Earlier, people faced great difficulties in getting affordable medicines for diseases like cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular problems and gastro disorders. Not only these medicines are much cheaper but they are of global standard as well and are produced in India too. Opening of such centres across the country has provided direct employment to more than 11,000 people. The government’s target for opening these centres is 10,000 and 2,000 medicines, including 300 surgical instruments will be made available by March 31, 2024. All these drugs and equipment are produced locally and thus the challenge of “Make in India” is ensured.

Regarding allotment of PMBJP centres, the government is giving preference to any unemployed doctor, pharmacist, registered medical practitioner, trust, NGO, private hospital, self help group or any agency recognised by respective state governments. The procedure for obtaining permission to open such centres is simple, one has to get retail drug sale licence in the name of Janaushadhi Centre. The size of the shop should be about 120 square feet. For online registration, click on http://janaushadhi.gov.in/online-registration.aspx. Many beneficiaries have expressed happiness and satisfaction with the scheme. North East India, especially small states like Meghalaya, greatly need such kinds of centres for the benefit of the locals many of whom are poor and ignorant.

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