Chief Executive Member (CEM) of the Khasi Hills Autonomous District Council (KHADC) Pyniaid Sing Syiem, on June 28, said that the council is firm on its decision to oppose any attempt on the part of the state or central government to explore or mine uranium in the state.

Syiem said this after meeting leaders of the Khasi Students’ Union (KSU) at his office today.

“The new Executive Committee (EC) will not provide any NoC to the state or central government to explore or mine uranium because this would endanger the lives of people living in those areas,” Syiem said.

He also informed that the KSU had also raised other issues like the implementation of the Inner Line Permit (ILP), Sixth Schedule amendment, railways and others.

On railways, the CEM said that the EC has decided not to give any consent to the government of Meghalaya or the centre to introduce railways – be it goods or passengers.

“Until the government comes up with a proper mechanism to check influx of illegal immigrants into the state, we will oppose any attempt to introduce railways in the state,” Syiem said.

On the 6th Schedule amendment, he said that the Centre had sent a few documents, clarifying doubts on the jurisdiction of the council in 6th Schedule areas besides others.

“They are awaiting our response. The new EC will be meeting the state government with our suggestions on the matter,” he added.

Earlier, speaking to media persons, KSU president Lambokstar Marngar said the main agendas discussed today were on ILP, railways, and uranium mining.

“On ILP, we feel it depends on the aggressiveness of the law makers of the state because no matter how many resolutions we pass in assembly, if the matter is not being aggressively pursued, nothing will happen,” Marngar said.

On railways, the KSU president said that once ILP is implemented in the state, “then maybe we can talk about railways but as it is at present, we oppose railways.”