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Wednesday, July 3, 2024

KHNAM points out difference between all-party meeting, terms of reference

In the memorandum, the KHNAM stated that there is a difference between the decision taken in the all-party meeting held on May 31 and the terms of reference proposed by the Cabinet.


The Khun Hynniewtrep National Awakening Movement (KHNAM) on Monday submitted a memorandum to the chief secretary with regard to the Cabinet decision on the appointment of chairman and members of the expert committee to review the state reservation policy.

In the memorandum, the KHNAM stated that there is a difference between the decision taken in the all-party meeting held on May 31 and the terms of reference proposed by the Cabinet.

“It may be reminded that during the all-party meeting held on 31st May 2023 resolution was taken to constituted an EC for the purpose of review/amendment of the Reservation Policy 1972 whereas  the terms of reference proposed is to study the current State Reservation Policy and recommend modification, if necessary” said the memorandum

The KHNAM demands that the terms of reference of the EC should be specific and clear and that is to “Verify the recommendation received from the political parties and recommend modification of the State Reservation Policy”.

In the memorandum, the KHNAM stated that the second term of the reference proposed by the Cabinet was “to undertake wide ranging consultation with all stakeholders and visit various locations of the State to solicit the view of all stakeholders”.

“We see the second terms of reference as an option for delay which is totally unnecessary. We do not see the necessity for the EC to waste time and money by visiting every location in the State. We would suggest that all Stakeholders be allowed to submit their views and suggestions to the EC within a specific time frame for study and verification which would allow the EC to complete its task within three months”.

The KHNAM also suggested that individuals who are locals from the state be also included in the EC, so as to enable the EC to have a brief understanding about the other aspect that relates to the state reservation policy and the aspiration of the people at large.

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