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Lack of documentation raises questions over MIDC’s property ownership

The response received from the MIDC did not provide a single document, including the crucial Land Agreement and other necessary paperwork that could substantiate their claim to the property, as per reports.


The Confederation of Ri Bhoi People (CoRP) on September 20 has brought to light a concern of lacking proper documentation regarding a property claimed by the Industrial Development Corporation, Ltd. (MIDC) stating that the MIDC’s claim to the property in Byrnihat, Meghalaya appears to be illegitimate due to the absence of essential documentation.

Addressing the media Pateng Marsing, Working President of CoRP, and Shining Kyntla, Finance Secretary, revealed the findings following an RTI (Right to Information) request made by the CoRP regarding the property in question. The RTI request, dated 1st August, specifically sought information about the ownership and legitimacy of the property claimed by MIDC.

The response received from the MIDC did not provide a single document, including the crucial Land Agreement and other necessary paperwork that could substantiate their claim to the property, as per reports. This raised significant concerns about how the MIDC could assert ownership without the required documentation.

In their pursuit of clarity, representatives of the CoRP also sought information from the Syiem (traditional head) of Raid Marwet, who confirmed that the property still falls under the jurisdiction of Raid Marwet. However, despite this confirmation, Raid Marwet could not produce any concrete paper documents supporting their claim.

Given the lack of proper documentation and the alleged illegitimate claim made by the MIDC, representatives from CoRP have stated that they will be following up on this matter to take necessary actions. The discrepancies surrounding the property’s ownership and the absence of adequate documentation have raised crucial questions regarding the MIDC’s claim and the need for transparent and well-documented ownership records.

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