Cabinet minister and BJP leader A L Hek on Tuesday termed the recent allegation made by opposition AITC leader and former chief minister Mukul Sangma against the Chief Minister, Conrad K Sangma, of having a close relationship with a ‘drug kingpin’ in the just-concluded Assembly’s autumn session  as “childish”.

“The topic on somebody’s personal life is childish,” Hek told reporters.

He went on to say, “Suppose a female who is disliked by anyone if she comes to me and tells me bah or bhaiya you are brother can I deny her. Because she respects me I have to respect her also. What is wrong for that woman or girl if she comes and tells me ‘you are brother’, I will say come you are sister even if everybody dislikes her also if she says she wants to take photograph with me I will say come take photograph with me what is wrong to take photograph with me. Is there anything wrong?”

When asked, Hek further said that the allegation made against the chief minister was personal.

“Don’t bring anything which is about personal life of anybody in the public domain. You have your personal life, I have my personal life. Everybody has their own personal life. I have many friends, if they respect me, we reciprocate. What is wrong to respect,” he said while adding “Even Mary Magdalene where people have thrown stones on her but Jesus has accepted her to sit near him and wash his feet but people around they are telling many things against Mary Magdalene. If God can accept anybody who comes to him, what’s wrong to take photograph with anyone?”

“I don’t want to interfere in anybody’s life but whatever they have said in the House in the public domain is childish,” he added.

Earlier during the Assembly session, Speaker Thomas A Sangma had expunged the statements made by the Mukul Sangma against the chief minister citing that it was in violation of the rules.