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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

NEHUTA Prez, Prof Lakhon Kma, declares candidacy for Shillong Lok Sabha seat

Stating that the problems and aspirations of Meghalayans have to be raised in the Parliament with full force so that a new chapter on development can be chartered, Kma said, “We cannot afford to shy away from developmental agenda such as better connectivity in land or through the air.”


Prof Lakhon Kma, the President of the North-Eastern Hill University Teachers’ Association (NEHUTA), has announced his candidacy for the Shillong parliamentary seat in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections. In a statement, Prof Kma emphasised his one-point agenda: to foster overall development and self-sufficiency in Meghalaya, particularly in specific districts.

In a statement, Kma said, “I have decided to embark into this tough journey of joining active politics and contesting elections starting with the coming MP election with a one-point agenda, i.e. to see that Meghalaya, and more specifically, East Khasi Hills, West Khasi Hills, South West Khasi Hills, Eastern West Khasi Hills, East Jaintia Hills, West Jaintia Hills and Ri-Bhoi districts flourishes into an overall developed and self-sufficient one where people living in the villages and towns of these districts have a regular source of income which can result in overall well-being.”

“In order to achieve this, we have to address the most neglected and downtrodden groups and try to raise them up so that there is a level playing field for everyone to compete among themselves and then with the rest of the world,” he added.

Highlighting the need for basic necessities such as schools, roads, electricity, healthcare, and sanitation, Kma stressed the importance of addressing the neglected and downtrodden groups to create a level playing field. He expressed the top priority of ensuring regular income sources for people in villages and towns.

Kma underscored the significance of support and cooperation from the entire population, especially those in Khasi, Jaintia, and Ri-Bhoi districts.

He said that he is relying on the support of all the young Meghalayans and assured: “I will do everything at my disposal to live up to their aspirations.”

Stating that the problems and aspirations of Meghalayans have to be raised in the Parliament with full force so that a new chapter on development can be chartered, Kma said, “We cannot afford to shy away from developmental agenda such as better connectivity in land or through the air.”

He prioritised the creation of job opportunities for the youth through government services or entrepreneurship, highlighting financial and infrastructural support. Kma acknowledged the challenges ahead but believed that unity and cooperation could lead to greater heights.

He pledged a ‘zero-tolerance policy’ on corruption and corrupt practices, accentuating the need to address issues such as border disputes, uninterrupted power supply, sports facilities, scholarships, and setting up CUET centres for higher education.

Kma also highlighted the importance of recognising the Khasi language under the Eighth Schedule of the Constitution and navigating delicate issues like railways, Inner Line Permit, and interstate disputes with sensitivity.

“However, as MP there are also bigger challenges such as safeguarding the local population, protection of fragile ecosystem, water bodies, and protection of rights of all Meghalayans while embracing developmental projects,” he said.

“Issues like railways, Inner Line Permit, State Reservation Policy, protecting our land and water resources, interstate dispute with Assam, are delicate issues and require handling with all sensitivities keeping everyone’s interest in mind while ensuring that it does not hamper the progress into a new Meghalaya. There has to be a balance and harmony between protecting our identities and economic progress that can benefit everyone,” he asserted.

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