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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Proposed talks on Assam-Mizoram border dispute postponed

Lalrinpuii said that the proposed talks to find amicable solution to the border dispute was postponed as the Assam chief minister could not return to Delhi on time due to unforeseen circumstances.


The proposed talks between Mizoram Chief Minister, Zoramthanga, and his Assam counterpart Himanta Biswa Sarma on the inter-state boundary dispute between the two neighbouring states that was scheduled to be held on September 19 has been postponed to September 21, press information officer (PIO) to the Mizoram CM, Emily Lalrinpuii said.

Lalrinpuii said that the proposed talks to find amicable solution to the border dispute was postponed as the Assam chief minister could not return to Delhi on time due to unforeseen circumstances.

Earlier, the two chief ministers held telephonic conversation on September 16 morning and fixed the date for talks on border dispute.

The Assam chief minister said that he had important and emergent matters to attend to and flew back to Guwahati on Friday saying that he would return to Delhi on Sunday.

Meanwhile, Zoramthanga, now camping in Delhi met Union finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman in the latter’s office today, where the chief minister apprised her about the financial problems being faced by Mizoram, Lalrinpuii said.

The chief minister also informed Sitharaman about the humanitarian crisis in the state due to the presence of over 30,000 refugees from Myanmar who fled their country due to the political turmoil and relating issues and sought intervention of the central government, she said.

“The union finance minister informed Zoramthang that she would take up the issues and try to assist the state government to tide over the problems,” she said.

Sitharaman informed Mizoram chief minister that the central government had been generous towards the state, especially by allocation of bamboo link road pilot project and other schemes under PM-Devine and would provide assistances for the development of the state.

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