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Sunday, June 23, 2024

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Sunday, June 23, 2024

Silent Warriors

By the Editor

The early months of 2020 witnessed the sudden and deadly attack of Covid-19 pandemic worldwide which claimed a number of lives and so created fear and panic everywhere. Recovering from shock and uncertainties, Government of India immediately sprang into action. Amidst all the risk and dangers, the silent warriors like doctors, scientists, nurses, ambulance staff, sweepers, and all other corona warriors committed themselves to eradicating the menace. Despite many succumbing to the disease the fight continued with courage and determination. According to data released by the Indian Medical Association, 741 doctors became victims during the first wave of the pandemic and 730 doctors from across the country died of the virus during the second wave while treating their patients. The nation owes a debt of gratitude to these silent warriors and we salute them.

Service during the corona virus made their lives uncomfortable and miserable. Wearing heavy PPE kits for continuous hours made them feel suffocated and uneasy, especially while going to and using the washrooms. So they had to regulate drinking of water. Returning home they had to use separate bathrooms where all clothes were washed with potassium permanganate and kept aside to be later cleaned with hot water and anti-septic. If both spouses were medical practitioners, they had no alternative but to use different bathrooms and slept separately not to mention about keeping safe distance even from their near and dear ones and that too for days and weeks and even months. After working incessantly for many hours, at times up to twelve hours per shift, they returned home tired and exhausted. In spite of their commitment and dedication, yet if something went wrong with their patients they were heckled and ill treated by their relatives. Well aware of such ugly situations, Government of India initiated several steps to safeguard these true and fearless heroes including their dependents as well. An insurance cover of Rs 50 lakh for every corona warrior, who was engaged in the health sector, was provided as soon as corona was declared a pandemic. For protection of health workers, the Epidemic Diseases Act, 1897 was changed through an ordinance. In future, priority is also given to them in permanent job recruitments and the Prime Minister’s prestigious ‘Covid National Service Award’ to be awarded to medical personnel after completing 100 days of duty.

For those who resort to violent acts against doctors and medical personnel, a new law through ordinance was proclaimed which award a punishment of 3 months to 5 years together with a fine of Rs 50,000 to 2 lakh. In case a car or a clinic of a doctor or other staff is damaged, the offender is liable to pay double the cost plus rigorous punishment for 6months to 7 years in serious cases. Public wearing masks for only a few hours complain of the inconvenience they experience. Hence, they should pause awhile and think of the doctors and medical staff in their prescribed outfit, who sacrifice their lives for the welfare of their fellow human beings.

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