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Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Two ex-MDCs resign from PDF; one likely to quit UDP

Ex-MDC from Malki-Laitumkhrah constituency, Antonio War, has also decided to quit the UDP and will only lend his support to a political party that addresses important issues of the state.

Staff Reporter


Two former members of district council (MDCs) of Khasi Hills Autonomous District Council (KHADC) have resigned from the People’s Democratic Front (PDF), while one former MDC has decided to quit the United Democratic Party (UDP), on July 6.

In what can be seen as a thought-out move before the 2023 polls, former MDC of Mawkyrwat, Hadrian Lyngdoh and ex-MDC from Umroi constituency, Albinus Lyngdoh quit PDF.

Speaking to the press, on Wednesday, Hadrian informed that he resigned from the party on July 5 and “in a few days, will decide which party to join”.

Hadrian, who claimed to be one of the founding members of the PDF in 2011, said that the political scenario in Mawkyrwat is very peculiar and three parties – the HSPDP, UDP, and Congress – who are the favourites among the electorate.

“These three parties are like siblings; each of them won the Mawkyrwat election thrice,” Hadrian said. He, however, informed that he won’t be contesting the 2023 polls and strictly not on a PDF ticket. “It would be tough to contest from PDF as it would not garner many votes,” said the former MDC of Mawkyrwat.

Echoing with Hadrian, another ex-MDC from Umroi, Albinus also said that he will not contest the 2023 general elections but will support another political party.

Meanwhile, ex-MDC from Malki-Laitumkhrah constituency, Antonio War, has also decided to quit the UDP and will only lend his support to a political party that addresses important issues of the state. “I will resign from UDP today or tomorrow,” said War, adding that his decision was fuelled by the fact that UDP, an ally of the National People’s Party (NPP), has not addressed some pertinent issues of the state.

“Important and burning issues are not discussed. I want to be in a party which voices these issues,” he said. Notably, all the three were former executive members (EMs) of the Khasi Hills District Autonomous Council (KHADC) during their tenure as MDCs.

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