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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Vegetable traders salute police for acting against extortionists

Meghalaya Traders Fresh Vegetables & Ginger Association has expressed its gratitude to the Police department for taking swift action to arrest those involved in demanding money from trucks ferrying agricultural produce.


The state police have come in for a pat from vegetable traders in the state for arresting three individuals who abduct and demand money as ransom from the former.

Meghalaya Traders Fresh Vegetables & Ginger Association has expressed its gratitude to the Police department for taking swift action to arrest those involved in demanding money from trucks ferrying agricultural produce.

This came after the police arrested three individuals on November 5 from Mawlai By-Pass who were involved in demanding money from trucks ferrying agricultural produce.

Speaking to media persons here, on Thursday, secretary of Meghalaya Traders Fresh Vegetables & Ginger Association, Ferdinand Mawrie claimed that this is not the first instance where drivers of trucks ferrying agricultural produce have been abducted and forced to pay money to such groups or individuals.

Mawrie claimed that there have been four instances where some groups and individuals lied to drivers to buy their products but instead forced them to pay money to allow their vehicles to drop their goods at their designated places.

He added that such demands by groups and individuals have put pressure on traders and have compelled them to stop exporting their goods to other parts of the Northeastern states like Assam.

“In the past particularly in 2022, there was one instance where traders from the state were robbed of Rs 50,000 by groups who threatened to destroy their goods if the amount was not paid,” said Mawrie.

Mawrie informed that after the incident in 2022, the Meghalaya Traders Fresh Vegetables & Ginger Association had closely worked together with the Police department and finally some of the accused are caught.

“We are thankful to the Police department and we will continue to work together in order to stop this unnecessary harassment by groups and individuals who demand money from traders,” he added.

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