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Monday, July 1, 2024

Vocational Guidance

By The Editor

Development and progress have undergone tremendous changes during these last few years and unless and until people are prepared for such eventualities they would be at a loss. Young boys and girls need instructions and guidance not only from their parents and relatives but most importantly from government agencies and departments before embarking on a course that suits their aptitude and capability. Not all have same likes and dislikes nor do they possess similar talents. Some are gifted in drawing and painting, others in composing poems and writing stories, etc. If elders who are experienced and well-versed in certain trades and professions, equipped with qualifying degrees/diplomas, can be engaged to guide them surely their future too will be bright and prosperous. Parents should not insist on what they like or do but cooperate with them by listening to their wish and desire as per their talent. Mutual understanding and cooperation, which may take time, is very important at this juncture. Students will feel comfortable and with their support will achieve success in the end.

In olden days, boys were discouraged to take up cooking and preparation of dishes as a profession because they were considered to be women’s domain. Similarly, girls were restricted from joining police or armed forces and indulging in wrestling or boxing since these were meant only for males with physical strength and stamina. In some orthodox societies, on reaching adolescence, sexes were separated and forbidden to mix or play together. But times have changed and continue to change for the better. Boys and girls are accorded same facilities and opportunities since both have a role to play in building their nation. Choice of career is a matter of great importance and so one should be fully aware of one’s talent and ability since mistakes made at initial stages will result in despair and frustration in the end. Nevertheless, midway if one becomes conscious of a wrong choice made there is no harm in rectifying and switching to other course before time runs out. Losing hope and keeping aloof is disastrous with possible unfortunate ending. If necessary, those with such difficulties are advised to approach authorities along with their parents/guardians for advice and counseling. Governments have insisted that every educational institute should have a qualified counselor who will look and take care of students even when older. In this connection, parents and guardians are expected to cooperate with the school for the betterment of young children and growing kids.

It is, indeed, a sad state of affair to know that some highly qualified youths who score high grades in examinations are found unemployable. This may be because system of education is wrong somewhere and, therefore, not students’ fault. Central government has also recently reviewed the New Education Policy (NEP) right from the earliest stage and suggested that at the secondary level, theory as well as practical classes are to be balanced. This will enhance interest of students because outdoor activity, which is also diversion from classroom lesson, will motivate them.

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