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Sunday, July 7, 2024

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Sunday, July 7, 2024

War Against Drugs


For last few years drug abuse has been increasing at an alarming rate in Meghalaya which is creating great concern to general public. In spite of the fact that seizure of drugs worth crores of rupees has been taking place nearly every day yet the illegal trade by unscrupulous elements still continues without any fear of the law. Due to high unemployment rate many youths become frustrated and so seek relief by turning to drugs and in the long run become addicts thereby affecting their health and mental functioning or their ability to understand themselves. Some young people start taking drugs while they are still in elementary schools especially if their friends entice them not realising that in the long run they will become slaves to drugs and consequently difficult to escape. Only few who have strong willpower can stop midway but many find it very hard to quit halfway even if they strongly desire to be free from the trap they have fallen into. Some people who are really sick get prescription for medicinal drug from their doctors and then misuse or consume much in excess and not going back to report to doctors.

The situation in the state is so bad at present which seems not to subside either and in view thereof Social Welfare Minister Paul Lyngdoh has also taken serious note by convening a meeting on June 15 in which various faith leaders shared their experiences and opinions. All agreed that drug abuse has become a dangerous menace in the state because increasing number of adolescent and youths are indulging in drugs of various kinds. Problem is no longer confined to urban areas but spreading fast to suburbs and interior villages also. This evil should be nipped in the bud before its tentacles have a firm grip and so quite hard to free affecting well-being of families and economy .Drug peddlers meanwhile are making huge profit at the cost of human lives and the right term for them is indeed the merchants of death. Therefore laws concerning drug peddling should be very severe and culprits ought to be harshly punished. In conclusion Lyngdoh strongly solicited the support of religious leaders in effectively tackling the deadly menace which has become so glaring and rampant.

Members of the Shillong All Faiths Forum (SAFF) have suggested for close coordination and cooperation among different stakeholders – parents, family members, teachers, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), government and religious leaders – for effective control through social awareness programmes and reaching out to drug users with empathy and compassion. Government has assured for financial support in this sector with an amount of Rs. 10 crore per annum which will total to Rs. 50 crore in five years for implementation of drug awareness programmes in the state.

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