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Sunday, June 2, 2024

AITC pledges growth and prosperity in state

TMC state president Charles Pyngrope tweeted, “On the historic occasion of marking the 51st anniversary of our state, I extend my heartfelt wishes to our state and our people. And hope for peace and prosperity in the future years to come.”


On the occasion of the 51st statehood day celebration, leaders of the opposition All India Trinamool Congress (AITC) on January 21 pledged for growth and prosperity of the state.

TMC state president Charles Pyngrope tweeted, “On the historic occasion of marking the 51st anniversary of our state, I extend my heartfelt wishes to our state and our people. And hope for peace and prosperity in the future years to come.”

Emphasizing on the power of peace and unity and the results they bore during the statehood movement decades ago, TMC legislature party leader Dr Mukul Sangma urged the people to reinforce this spirit of oneness for the progress of the state.

“My heartiest greetings and a happy Meghalaya day to everyone. On this auspicious day, 21st of January, 1972, our forefathers fought and achieved this statehood for all of us, in sync with the hope and aspirations of our beloved people,” Dr Mukul Sangma said.

He further added: “It is only appropriate to remember the uniqueness of the manner in which the statehood movement was driven and given fruition – without having to resort to any violence, or without having to shed even a single drop of blood. Therefore, it is very important for everyone from across the regions and the nation to replicate the approach that was adopted by our forefathers who understood the power of non-violence and unity. It is therefore only appropriate for all of us to take a pledge to reinforce the spirit of unity and oneness and take the state to greater heights.”

Other leaders of the party like Miani D Shira, Dikkanchi D Shira, and A Andrew Shullai also extended their greetings on this auspicious day.

Promising to bring back development to the state, Ampati MLA Miani D Shira said, “It is time for us to unite and remember our forefathers who fought day and night and sacrificed so much for us to become a state. It is our utmost duty to ensure that the state walks on the path of peace and development, which was also the vision of our forefathers. Therefore, we pledge to bring back better days for our beautiful state of Meghalaya.”

Mahendraganj MLA Dikkanchi D Shira said, “Today, let us be reminded of the trials and tribulations our people endured for the sake of our state. United, they relentlessly persevered for the greater good of Meghalaya. Let us also be dedicated to upholding this spirit of unity in our state. As we celebrate our rich culture and diversity with a united effort, let us dedicate ourselves to taking our state to greater heights and glory.”

Expressing his heartfelt greetings, Meghalaya TMC candidate from Jowai constituency A Andrew Shullai paid his tributes to the heroes who worked tirelessly for the statehood movement. “We should remember our great heroes who relentlessly fought for the statehood and to hold our vibrant culture and traditions. It is our collective duty to ensure that we keep striving towards ensuring the all-round development of Meghalaya, that our forefathers had envisioned. Through collective effort, we promise to bring the change that our people deserve,” he said.

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