Prestone Tynsong, Gavin Mylliem.


Deputy Chief Minister and NPP national vice president Prestone Tynsong, on February 2, travelled to Laitlyngkot to garner support for the party candidate from the Sohra constituency, Alan West Kharkongor.

It may be mentioned that Laitlyngkot is a stronghold of sitting Sohra MLA and PDF candidate, Gavin M Mylliem.

Addressing the gathering, Tynsong said he joined NPP in 2018 and resigned from Congress because of infighting.

Hailing the NPP, he said in 2019, the party was recognised as a national party, the only party in Meghalaya and the Northeast to achieve this status. “We are at par with other major parties in the country,” he said.

“Sadly, this party is being stoned everyday. To quote our forefathers, it looks like the mythical serpent “U thlen” swallow only its own people,” he said, adding that people blame NPP and hail the BJP and Congress. “I am concerned that in Meghalaya, if we rise, they want to pull us down,” he said.

Furthermore, he informed that he has appealed to Gavin Mylliem to join NPP. “I told him, as the president of the PDF, to dissolve the party and merge with the NPP because it is a regional party but, jealousy got the better of them,” he added.

“Oh my dear Meghalaya, why do you belittle the NPP? It is your own blood. We have tried to work hard and bring about change but what do we get?” he asked.