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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Assam down town University wins Education Eminence Award 2023

The Education Eminence Award 2023 is an initiative aimed at acknowledging educational institutions that make significant contributions to society.


Assam Down town University (AdtU) has been recognised for its exceptional achievements in the field of education by winning the prestigious Education Eminence Award 2023. The university received this esteemed accolade in the category of “Most Eminent Campus Placement Among Pvt Universities” at a ceremony held at the NEDFI Auditorium in Dispur, Guwahati.

Prof Pranvir Singh, the Pro Vice-Chancellor of AdtU, accepted the award on behalf of the institution. The event was a tribute to the pivotal role played by educational institutions in shaping the future generation. AdtU’s unwavering commitment to nurturing talent and facilitating successful student placements played a crucial role in securing this honour.

The Education Eminence Award 2023 is an initiative aimed at acknowledging educational institutions that make significant contributions to society. AdtU’s consistent track record of placing students in reputable organisations over the years played a vital role in its selection for this prestigious recognition. The university has effectively bridged the gap between academia and the business world, creating a plethora of employment opportunities for its graduates.

This remarkable feat was made possible by AdtU’s robust placement cell and strong industry connections. The university boasts state-of-the-art facilities, dedicated faculty members, and innovative teaching methods, ensuring the holistic development of its students and preparing them to become future leaders in various fields.

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