Bharatiya Gorkha Parisangh (BGP), a Pan-India social organisation of Gorkhas, reiterated the need for a speedy resolution to the demand of Gorkhas for a separate state of Gorkhaland.

Representatives of BGP submitted memorandums to Prime Minister Narendra Modi through the deputy commissioner of each district in support of its demand for Gorkhaland.

In Assam, such memorandums were sent to the Prime Minister through deputy commissioners across the state on November 9.

In Amingaon, Kamrup District Gorkha Sanmilan president, Arjun Chetry, submitted the memorandum through additional deputy commissioner Siddhartha Goswami.

In Kokrajhar, BTR Gorkha Samaj submitted the memorandum to Kokrajhar deputy commissioner Barnali Deka.

“On behalf of all Indian Gorkhas and Gorkha organisations, we request you to kindly take a step to create a separate state under Article 3(a) of the Constitution of India and thus fulfil the long-standing wish of the Gorkhas of India,” the memorandum said.

“In your speech at Siliguri on April 10, 2014, you said that the dreams of Gorkhas were your dream (Gorkhao ka sapna mera sapna). In 2009 and 2014, your party BJP’s manifesto for the Lok Sabha elections also promised to consider the long-standing associations of the Gorkhas of India,” the memorandum also said.

“We repose our faith in you and hope you will have the dream of the Gorkhas for a state of their own fulfilled as quickly as possible,” it added.

“We have been fighting for the rights, empowerment and uplift of the Gorkha community. While the Gorkha community faces problems unique to each place of residence, we have discovered that the community’s common problem in any state they are domiciled in is their identity. This problem arises because of their misidentification by official agencies and the mass at large as foreigners,” Arjun Chetry said.

“After much research, discussions and debates, Bharatiya Gorkha Parisangh has firmly taken up the issue of a separate state of ‘Gorkhaland’ for the Gorkhas of India as the only democratic and enduring solution to the misidentification of the community as foreigners,” he added.