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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Jaintia Students’ Union demands immediate functioning of hospital

The JSU informed that the MCH, which was completed in pre-Covid time, needs urgent attention to cater to maternity and child health needs in Jaintia Hills.


The Jaintia Students’ Union (JSU) Jowai circle has written to Chief Minister Conrad K Sangma, demanding immediate functioning of the maternity and child hospital (MCH) at Panaliar, Jowai.

The JSU informed that the MCH, which was completed in pre-Covid time, needs urgent attention to cater to maternity and child health needs in Jaintia Hills.

The union further added that the MCH will have an ICU, labour room, OD, NICU etc which will help mothers and children get access to better treatment.

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