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Monday, April 29, 2024

Moulder of Youths

Right from the moment a child is born it is not only the duty of mother who gives birth but that of father too in taking care of new member of the family. Sydney J Harris said, “The best combination of parents consists of a father who is gentle beneath his firmness, and a mother who is firm beneath her gentleness.” Obviously, if both parents share responsibilities in looking after their children naturally they too will grow properly and become good citizens in future. When time arrives for attending school, teachers will take place of parents but with different roles, parents nourish their children and teachers mould them. Aristotle, the philosopher and well-known teacher of ancient Greece said: “Those who educate children well are more to be honored than parents, for these only gave life, those the art of living well”. This statement is still valid and perhaps in future as well.

Acquiring knowledge and imparting knowledge are two poles of learning system. The first pole relates to students who have different absorbing qualities and gifted with special talents and aptitudes and second one corresponds to role of teachers. Young and tender minds are like clay to be moulded and shaped by skilled potters into desirable products that will last for longer periods of time and subsequently valued and priced accordingly. Big difference is that good and beautifully designed earthenware’s serve humankind to be used as per their needs whereas educated and moulded youths not only serve humanity but also inspire future generations.

A good teacher ought to be well-equipped with knowledge and information so that he or she could be effective in imparting education to children and youths which will end only with his or her death. A teacher’s job does not mean parroting what has been learned earlier and thus devoid of creative, inventive and critical thinking. Like proficient potters, teachers should mould young minds into worthy and efficient citizens who would then be able to effectively shoulder responsibilities in building their nation. Frederick W. Robertson said, “The true aim of everyone who aspires to be a teacher should be, not to impart his own opinions, but to kindle minds”. If skilled artisans are respectfully paid for their works, surely they will feel happy and satisfied and so endeavour to perform better. Similarly, teachers too are human beings and so they should be treated with honour and dignity. The policy of the government has always been to make provisions for pre-service training and orientation of teachers and that’s why we have the B.Ed two-year course which will now be extended to four years for benefit of teachers. National Council for Teacher Education was established on August 17, 1995 to achieve planned and coordinated development of teacher education. Its aim was also to regulate and maintain norms and standard in the teacher education system. In conclusion, teachers must be up-to-date regarding skill, knowledge and latest techniques and hence need for teacher’s education.

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